rosrun can't find camera1394_node or camera1394_nodelet
I am running ROS Indigo on a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 (`Linux turtlebot 3.13.0-35-generic #62-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 15 01:58:42 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux`) The only ROS package is the...
View Articlestereo image proc bypass
Ubuntu 14.04 ROS Indigo Igloo Bumblebee2 Hello! I am using a lookup table to rectify the images extracted with [camera1394stereo]( generated outside ROS with...
View ArticleExplicit address for camera calibration file
I have a few different platforms that are all using the same package. Each platform has a different stereo camera calibration file.yaml Each platform has its own launch file, which gets called...
View Articleimage_view freeze after 3 seconds
Hi, I'm trying to display a simple video stream using camera1394 and image_view on Indigo and Ubuntu 14.04. I start camera1394 with this command: rosrun camera1394 camera1394_node...
View ArticleHow to use nodelets on ubuntu 14.04 ros indigo and packages...
Hello, I've used nodelets on ubuntu 12.04 and ros hydro without any problems. After updating ubuntu and ros some files seem to be missing. For example, when I try to use the...
View ArticleCan't find Point Grey Camera in a new virtual machine
Hello, I have used POINT GREY FIREFLY MV FMVU-13S2C digital camera to work on Ubuntu 10.04 and ros electric(I am gonna call it VM1) and it worked very well. But when I install another virtual machine...
View Articlesynchronizing two point grey USB cameras for Stereo using OpenCV?
Hi, I have two Firefly MV USB cameras from PoinGrey which are working with the Camera1394 node, Im able to view the images and create an package containing c++ code which uses the cv_bridge node to...
View ArticleHow to set video mode in .yaml file for camera_1394 and load .yaml file via...
using ROS Indigo with fire wire camera_1394 (flear2 from point grey which is supporting our target video mode) launching with a launchfile (how to add the .yaml file as a parameter here?) target video...
View Articlecamera 1394 uses wrong video mode
We are using a camera134 with a .yaml file in which we set the video_mode parameter to 640x480_yuv422. calling "rosparam get /camera1394/video_mode" returns this value so we are certain that it is...
View ArticleHow to get an YUV422 Image with camera1394?
Hi Community, we would like to use the camera1394 package, but we are unable to directly get an YUV422 coded Image from it, without conversion from RGB (or the like) to YUV422. Any hints, examples are...
View ArticleROS, Camera1394, and libusb issue
Hello, This is a repost of a question asked over at [Ask Ubuntu]( "Ask Ubuntu") where I thought this might be more appropriate, but...
View Articlehow can i install camera1394 package?
i wanted to run 2 usb cameras as stereo cameras and wanted to publish : /my_stereo/left/camera_info /my_stereo/left/image_raw /my_stereo/right/camera_info /my_stereo/right/image_raw...
View ArticleHow do i pass camera calibration to camera1394
Hi. I am using the `camera1394` to interface my stereo camera, but seem to have some issues with passing my two yaml files consisting of the calibration of left and right image frame. it seem to be...
View Articlecan't locate node [camera1394stereo_node]
I am trying to launch this file with a bumblebee as it is explained in but I keep getting this error ERROR: cannot launch node of type...
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